Desktop Printer
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
The SATO Programming Language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Selecting Protocol Control Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Using Basic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The Print Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Rotated Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Command Default Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Printer Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Label Sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Command Code Page Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Bar Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Bar Codes, Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Bar Codes, Variable Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Base Reference Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Characters, Custom Designed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Character Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Character, Fixed Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Character Pitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Character, Proportional Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Clear Print Jobs & Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Continuous Forms Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Copy Image Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Cutter Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Fonts, U, S, M, OA, OB, XU, XS and XM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Fonts, WB,WL, XB and XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Form Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Form Overlay Recall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Form Overlay Store. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Graphics, Custom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Graphics, PCX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Journal Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Lines and Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Line Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Media Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Off-Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Postnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Print Darkness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Print Length, Expanded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Print Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Print Quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Print Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Repeat Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Replace Data (Partial Edit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Reverse Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Rotate, Fixed Base Reference Point. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Rotate, Moving Base Reference Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Sequential Numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
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Start/Stop Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Expanded Memory Option Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Clear Memory Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Fonts, TrueType Recall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Fonts, TrueType Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Graphics, Custom Recall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Graphics, Custom Store. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Graphics, PCX Recall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Graphics, PCX Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Initialize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Slot Select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Two-Dimensional Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Maxicode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
PDF417 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Configuration Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Auto-Calibrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Backfeed Enable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Calibrate Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Custom Protocol Command Codes Download . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Label Tear-Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Print Darkness Range Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Print Test Label. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Set Print Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Set RS232 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Set Sensor Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Enable Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
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This section presents the commands that are used with the SATO CX208/212 printers
to produce labels with logos, bar codes and alphanumeric data. The commands listed
include all revisions of firmware up to and including P2.15.
The following information is presented in this section:
• The SATO Programming Language
• Selecting Protocol Control Codes
• Using Basic
• The Print Area
• Printer Configuration
• Command Codes
A programming language for a printer is a familiar concept to most programmers. It is
a group of commands that are designed to use the internal intelligence of the printer.
The commands, which are referred to as SATO Command Codes, contain
non-printable ASCII characters (such as <STX>, <ETX>, <ESC>) and printable
characters. These commands must be assembled into an organized block of code to be
sent as one data stream to the printer, which in turn interprets the command codes
and generates the desired label output. The programmer is free to use any
programming language available to send the desired data to the printer.
The command codes used are based upon “Escape” (1B hexadecimal) sequences.
Typically there are four types of command sequences:
These commands generally tell the printer to perform a specific action, like “clear the
<ESC>{Command} {Data}
Commands with this format tell the printer to perform a specific action which is
dependent upon the following data, like “print X labels”, where the value for X is
contained in the data.
<ESC>{Command} {Parameter}
These commands set the operational parameters of the printer, like “set the print
speed to 3.”
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
<ESC> {Command} {Parameter} {Data}
Some commands can contain both Parameter and Data elements, such as “print a
Code 39 symbol containing the data.”
Protocol codes are the special control characters that prepare the printer to receive
instructions. For example, the <ESC> character tells the printer that a command
code will follow.
The Protocol Control Code set set is made up of six special characters. The Standard
Protocol Control codes are non-printable characters. They can be changed to printable
characters using the Protocol Control code download command. This may be useful
on host computers using protocol converters or in an application where non-printable
ASCII characters cannot be sent from the host. This manual uses the Standard
Protocol Control codes for all of the examples.
The Protocol Control codes must be downloaded from the host using the <ESC>LD
command. Once they are downloaded, the printer will not respond to standard
protocol codes. The current protocol codes active in a printer can be determined by
printing a Test Label (see CX208/212 User’s Guide, Page 9).
Start of Data
End of Data
Command code to follow
Not Used on CX200
Not Used on CX200
Take printer Off-Line
It may be useful to test your printer using a BASIC program on a PC. You may also
write your actual production programs in BASIC. Whatever the reason, if you will be
working in BASIC, some of the following hints may help you get started:
1. Set the WIDTH of the output device to 255 characters to avoid automatically
sending <CR> and <LF> characters after every line. The command string
should be continuous and uninterrupted by <CR> and/or <LF> commands. The
examples given in this manual are printed on separate lines because they will not
fit on one line and do not contain any <CR> and/or <LF> characters. If these
characters are needed, they are explicitly noted by the inclusion of <CR> and
<LF> notations.
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
2. If you are using the printer’s RS232 interface, it is necessary to set the COM port
on the PC such that the CTS and DSR signals will be ignored. Send your OPEN
“COM” statement in the following way:
OPEN “COM1:9600,E,8,1,CS,DS” AS #1
This sets the RS232 communication parameters of the host PC’s COM1 port for 9600
baud, Even parity, 8 Data bits, 1 Stop bit and directing the port to ignore the CTS and
DSR control signals.
3. You may want to minimize keystrokes and program size by assigning the <ESC>
character to a string variable since this character is used quite often.
The following two examples in BASIC show a typical example using these hints. Both
of these examples use the Standard Protocol codes.
Printing with the Parallel Port
REM Parallel Example
Identifies the program as a parallel port
print label. The “REM” prevents this data
from being sent to the printer and
displays it only on the screen.
10 E$=CHR$(27)
Sets the “E$” string as an <ESC>
20 WIDTH “LPT1:”,255
Sets the width of the output to 255
30 LPRINT E$;"A";
Sends an “<ESC>A” command code to
the LPT1 parallel port
40 LPRINT E$;"H400";E$;"V100";E$;"WL1SATO";
Sends the data “SATO” to be to be
placed 400 dots horizontally and 100
dots vertically on the label and printed in
the “WL” font.
50 LPRINT E$;"Q1";
60 LPRINT E$; “Z”;
Instructs the printer to print one label.
Tells the printer that the last command
has been sent. The printer can now
create and print the job.
Printing with the RS232 Port
REM RS232 Example
Identifies the program as a RS232 port
print label. The “REM” prevents this data
from being sent to the printer and
displays it only on the screen.
10 E$=CHR$(27)
Sets the “E$” string as an <ESC>
20 OPEN “COM1:9600,N,8,1,CS,DS” AS #1
Opens the COM1 port for output and
sets the parameters as 9600 baud, No
parity, 8 Data bits, 1 Stop bit and
instructs the port to ignore the CTS and
DSR control signals.
30 PRINT #1,CHR$ (2);
Sends an <STX> (ASCII Code a
decimal “2”) to the printer instructing it to
prepare to receive a message.
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40 PRINT #1,E$;"A";
Sends an “<ESC>A” command code to
Print Port #1 opened by statement 20
50 PRINT #1, E$;"H400";E$;"V100";E$;"WL0SATO"; Sends the data “SATO” to be to be
placed 400 dots horizontally and 100
dots vertically on the label and printed in
the “WL” font.
60 PRINT #1, E$;"Q1";
70 PRINT #1, E$; “Z”;
Instructs the printer to print a quantity of
one label.
Tells the printer that the last command
has been sent. The printer can now
create and print the job.
80 PRINT #1,CHR$ (3);
Sends an <ETX> (ASCII Code decimal
“3”) to the printer telling it that this is the
end of the message.
The maximum print area for the various CX208/212 printers is listed in Table 1, Print
Area. Most of your label applications will not require labels that fill the entire print
area. To make label design simplier, the media on the CX208/212 printers is center
justified, i.e. the label is always centered on the print head. An <ESC>A1 Media Size
command is then used to specify the length and width of the label. The CT printer
uses this information to automatically calculate an “offset” that will move the
Horizontal Reference point to coincide with the first printable dot position on the
specified label. It is extremely important to use the Media Size command. If you do
not, you will have to manually calculate the offset and send it to the printer using the
<ESC>A3 Base Reference Point command.
Table 1, Print Area
203 dpi
8 dpmm
305 dpi
12 dpmm
Max Print Width
832 dots
4.1 in.
104 mm
1248 dots
4.1 in.
104 mm
Max Label Width
Print Length
4.25 in.
108 mm
4.25 in.
108 mm
4064 dots
20 in.
508 mm
3780 dots
12.6 in.
320 mm
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The diagram below illustrates the maximum print area and a sample 2 inch wide by 3
inch long label placed within this area. As can be seen, your label will be oriented in
the middle of the print head as viewed from the front of the printer. The normal
reference point is located at the H1, V1 position of the print area in the normal print
orientation (no rotation).
Print Area
Max. Print
H1, V1
H1, V1
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The printers can rotate each print field in 90° increments using the Rotate command.
There are two variations of this command.
• <ESC>% - The field rotates, but the base reference point for the field
remains the same.
The following data stream will rotate the print field but will not change the base
reference point of the field:
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There are some types of commands that must have a value specified before a label
can be printed. If the data stream does not contain these commands, a “default” value
is assumed. The commands and the corresponding default values are:
Print Rotation
Vertical Reference Point
Horizontal Reference Point
Character Pitch
Base Reference Point
Character Expansion
Print Darkness
H=0, V=0
3 ips
Print Speed
(1) The settings for these commands will revert to the default value when the printer
receives an <ESC>Z or an <ESC>*.
(2) These values transmitted with these commands will remain in effect until a new
command is received.
The CX208/212 printers are different from other SATO models in that they do not use
DIP switches for printer configuration. Instead, all printer configuration is done via
software commands. The parameters that can be configured are:
• Sensor Calibration
• Protocol Codes
• Print Darkness Range
• Sensor Type
• RS232 Parameters
• Label Tear-Off Position
• Backfeed Enable/Disable
Because there are no DIP switches to indicate the current printer settings, a Test Label
can be printed that lists the active settings in the printer. This Test Label lists all of
the information a user needs to ascertain the printer configurtation. Test Labels can
be printed out by sending a command via software (Configuration Commands) or by
using the FEED and On-Line/Off-Line Indicator buttons on the control panel (see
Page 7 of the CX208/212 User’s Guide).
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The CX208/212 printers can use eye-mark (black bar), gap or notch label sensing.
The gap and notch sensor is a transmissive or see-thru type with an infrared light
source directed through the label/ribbon combination from above and detected by a
separate sensor underneath the label. A reflective sensor is used to detect eye-marks
printed on the bottom of the label liner or tag. The eye-mark must not reflect more
than 12% of the light. Since the same receiving sensor is used for all three types of
sensing, it must be calibrated with the media that will be used. The ribbon must be
installed while the calibration is being performed for thermal transfer printing.
0.125” (3.2 mm)
(19 mm)
Fixed Position
Gap, Notch or Bar Width
Min: 0.125" (3.2 mm)
Max: 1.0" (25 mm)
Note 1
Print Head
(V = 000)
Eye-Mark centered
on underneath side
of label
Min. Length = 1"
Min Label Pitch
0.375" (9.5 mm)
4.250 "(108 mm) = max label width
Note 1: The the trailing-edge of the black eye-mark can be positioned anywhere
within the 0 to +98mm range of sensor offset adjustment and the first print line
(V=000). The first print line position can be adjusted to the desired position
using the <ESC>CB Label Tear-Off command. If the pitch offset is 19 mm (the
factory setting), placing the eye-mark trailing edge at 0 mm will place the first
print position at the top edge of the label.
When calibrating the printer sensors, the gap or eye-mark sensor type must be
selected first using the <ESC>CI command and then the Direct Thermal or Thermal
Transfer print mode must be specified with an <ESC>CP command. These two
commands are followed by an <ESC>CA calibrate command to instruct the printer to
preform the calibration procedure. The resulting calibration values are stored in the
printer and used until the unit is recalibrated. A separate value is stored for direct
thermal and thermal transfer modes because the settings will differ significantly
because of the inclusion of the ribbon for thermal transfer. For example, the following
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command stream will calibrate the printer in the thermal transfer mode for gap
When Auto-Calibrate is enabled, the printer will automatically attempt to calibrate
when it detects an out-of-paper condition (10" of platen feed after a label is printed
without detecting a label edge or sense mark). If the calibration is successful, the
printer shall move paper to the next index mark and resume normal operations. If the
calibration is not successful, the printer shall indicate an out-of-paper condition by a
red READY LED and the printer shall restore the original index circuit settings.
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This section contains all the printer Command Codes. The commands must be sent to
the printer in an organized fashion in order for the label(s) to print.
The purpose of this section is to:
1. Explain the different commands and provide examples of their usage.
2. To provide a detailed reference for programming.
Each command begins on a separate page with its own heading. A uniform layout is
used to help you find key information about each command. For each Command
Code in this section, there will be a sample data input stream to the printer and the
expected print output. By studying the examples, you can learn how to use the
particular command within a whole block of printer code. Pay particular attention to
the “Special Notes” with each command to learn other important information.
The subject commands are highlighted in bold letters in the Reference Sheets. There
are two parts of most, but not all, commands. The first is the command character
which immediately follows the <ESC> code. It is always an upper case alpha or a
special character (such as an “&” or a “%”). It is never a lower case alpha character. If
the command requires additional variable information, it is represented by a group of
lower case alpha characters immediately following the command character. For
example, if an aaaabb is listed following the basic command, the printer will look
for six characters immediately following the command. The first four would represent
the value of aaaa and the next two the value of bb.
The maximum number of characters defined in a parameter is represented by the
number of characters shown in the command structure. For example, a command
followed by an aaaa can have up to four characters. In general, commands with only
one parameter following the command can be entered without the leading zeroes. In
the above example, you could enter either “809” or “0809”. However, certain
commands require the exact number of matching characters. A command with two
parameters listed following the command code, such as aaaabbbb require the exact
number of digits to be entered. If the value of aaaa is “800” and the value of bbbb is
“300”, then the parameters must be entered as “08000300”. It is recommended that
you make it a practice to always enter leading zeros to prevent any mistakes.
All label illustrations in this section are designed to be printed on a CX208 using four
inch wide labels.
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Bar Codes
Command Structure
1:3 narrow/wide bar ratio: <ESC>Babbcccd
2:5 narrow/wide ratio: <ESC>BDabbcccd
1:2 narrow/wide bar ratio: <ESC>Dabbcccd
Bar Code Symbol
Code 39
Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2/5)
UPC-A / EAN-13
Industrial 2 of 5
C Code 93
G Code 128
UCC 128
Number of dots (01-12) for narrow bar and narrow space
Bar height in dots (001-600)
ccc =
UCC 128 only. Not used for other bar code types
No human readable text
Human readable at top
Human readable at bottom
Immediately preceding data to be encoded
Command Function
To print bar code images on a label. With this command, there are 13
standard bar code symbologies available to be printed and three two
dimensional symbols.
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Input to Printer
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
Printer Output
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
Without Incrementing
With Incrementing
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
Special Notes
1. UPC and EAN bar codes are not affected by the different types of
narrow to wide ratios. Instead, the <ESC>D command adds
descender bars to these codes where needed to meet UPC
specifications. The <ESC>BD command puts decender bars and
human readable text below the symbol.
2. The Code 128, UCC 128, MSI, and Code 93 bar codes are not
affected by the narrow to wide ratios.
3. The Codabar and Code 39 bar codes are affected by the
Character Pitch command. This command must be placed before
the Bar Code command.
4. Because of their unique characteristics, two-dimensional symbols
are covered separately.
5. For UCC128, the FNC1 code is automatically inserted and the
Mod 10 and Mod 103 check digits are automatically calculated.
6. For the MSI bar code, the check digit is not automatically
7. To select UPC-A, 11 digits of data is sent. The printer adds a “0”
and automatically generates the check digit. If 12 digits of data are
sent, the printer asumes an EAN-13 symbol and automatically
generates the check digit. The last digit of the bar code data is a
modulo 10 check digit. If 13 digits of data are sent to the printer,
the check digit is not created and must be supplied by the
programmer. It must be the last character of the 13 digit string.
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Bar Codes, Expansion
Command Structure
Expansion factor by which the width of all bars and spaces
will be increased (01-12)
bbb =
Bar height by dot (004-600 dots)
Immediately follows the <ESC>BT command and
precedes data to be encoded.
Command Function
Input to Printer:
This command works together with the <ESC>BT command to specify
an expansion factor and the bar code height for the particular symbol
being printed.
Printer Output:
Special Notes
1. This command must be preceded by the Variable Ratio Bar Codes
<ESC>BT command.
2. The following bar codes will be affected by the Character Pitch
command: Codabar, Code 39 and Interleaved 2 of 5.
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
Bar Codes, Variable Ratio
Command Structure
Bar Code Symbol:
Code 39
Interleaved 2 of 5
Narrow space in dots (01-99)
Wide space in dots (01-99)
Narrow bar in dots (01-99)
Wide bar in dots (01-99)
Following print position commands and preceding
the <ESC>BW command.
Current setting
Command Function
To print a bar code with a ratio other than those specified through the
standard bar code commands (B,BD, and D). This is done through
individual control of each of the bar code elements (bars, spaces) as
shown above. Remember that this command only applies to the three
bar code types shown.
Input to Printer:
Printer Output:
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Special Notes
1. This command must be immediately followed by the <ESC>BW
Bar Code Expansion command.
2. You may use only one variable ratio bar code per label.
3. If the data specified in this command is incorrect, the command is
ignored and the ratio used will be based on the previous setting.
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Base Reference Point
Command Structure
This character is optional. When present, it specifies the
horizontal offset is in the negative direction. If it is left out
the offset direction is positive.
aaaa =
Horizontal Print Offset (-0832 to +0832)
Vertical Print Offset (see Note 7 for allowable range)
bbbb =
Preceding all images that are based on the new base
reference point
Current V and H offset setting in the printer
Command Function
To establish a new base reference point for the current label. The
base reference point is the top left corner or “origin” from where all
print position commands are based.
This command may be very helpful when using labels less than four
inches wide to place images on the printable label surface. It may also
be used to move images past preprinted fields on a label.
Input to Printer:
Printer Output:
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
Special Notes
1. Use of this command will set the Vertical/Horizontal Offset setting
of the printer configuration until a new Base Reference Point
command is issued.
2. This command may be used more than once in a print job.
3. An alternative to using this command is to make changes to your
current Horizontal and Vertical Print Position commands.
Let’s say the current base reference point is H=1, V=1 and you
wish to move all the fields on your label downward vertically by
150 dots. You could either (1) add the Base Reference Point
command or (2) change all the vertical position commands by an
additional 150 dots.
4. For a more detailed example of the Base Reference Point
command, see “Print Area” in this section.
5. The CX208/212 printers will not “wrap” (i.e. if any part of a
character or image extends beyond the last print dot position, it
will disappear and not be visible on any part of the label).
6. The allowable ranges for the fields are:
0 to 0832
0 to 1230
0 to 1424
0 to 4060
0 to 2100
0 to 3780
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Characters, Custom-Designed
Command Structure
Store Command: <ESC>Tabcc
Recall Command: <ESC>Kab90cc
16x16 matrix
24x24 matrix
Specifies the character encoding method for the data
H Hexadecimal characters
Binary characters
Memory location to store/recall the character. Valid
memory locations are 21 to 52 (counting in Hex) or “!” to
“R” in Binary
Data to describe the character
The Store command is typically sent in its own data
stream to the printer, between the Start/Stop
The Recall command is sent in a secondary data
stream to print the character,and follows any necessary
position or size commands.
Default: None
Command Function
Printer Input
To allow for the creation, storage, and printing of custom characters,
such as special fonts or logos. Up to 50 individual characters may be
stored in the custom character volatile memory.
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Printer Output
Special Notes
1. When printing the custom character using the <ESC>K Recall
command, the character is affected by the following commands:
Character Expansion
Character Pitch
Line Feed
Rotate, Fixed Base Reference Point
Rotate, Moving Base Reference Point
2. The characters are stored in volatile memory and must be
reloaded if the printer power is lost.
3. Do not use ASCII <CR> or <LF> characters (carriage return or
line feed) as line delimiters within the graphic data or the actual
image will not be printed as specified.
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Character Expansion
Command Structure
Multiple to expand horizontally (01-12)
Multiple to expand vertically (01-12)
Preceding the data to be expanded
Command Function
To expand characters independently in both the horizontal and
vertical directions. The command allows you to enlarge the base size
of each font (except the vector font) up to 12 times in either direction.
Expanded characters are typically used for added emphasis or for
long distance readability.
Input to Printer
Printer Output
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Special Notes
This command will expand the following fonts:
1. Fonts U, S, M, XU, XS, XM, OA & OB and fonts WB, WL, XB and
2. This command will also affect the following commands:
Character Pitch
Characters, Custom-Designed
3. The Character Expansion value is in effect for the current print job
until a new expansion command is specified.
4. The Line and Box command, if used within the data stream, may
return all subsequent text to the default expansion of 1 x 1.
Therefore, either send the Character Expansion command before
all printed data, or send Line and Box commands last, preceding
the <ESC>Q Quantity command.
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Character, Fixed Spacing
Command Structure
See Above
Preceding the data
The default is Proportional Spacing.
Command Function
Printer Input
To reset proportional spacing and place the printer back to fixed
Printer Output
Special Notes
1. This command only works with the proportionally spaced fonts
XU, XM, XS, XL and XB.
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Character Pitch
Command Structure
Number of dots between characters (00-99)
Placement: Preceding the text to be printed
Default: <ESC>P02
Command Function
Input to Printer:
To designate the amount of spacing (in dots) between characters.
This command provides a means of altering character spacing for
label constraints or to enhance readability.
Printer Output:
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Special Notes
1. This command is affected by the <ESC>L Character Expansion
command. The character pitch is actually the product of the
current horizontal expansion multiple and the designated pitch
Pitch = (03) x (03) = 9 dots
2. To avoid confusion, you may want to include the <ESC>L
Character Expansion command and this command together in
your program.
3. This command affects fonts U, S, M, XU, XS, XM, OA & OB and
fonts WB, WL, XB and XL.
4. Character Pitch will always revert to the default value unless it is
specified before each new font command in the data stream.
5. This command also affects Codabar and Code 39 bar codes.
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Character, Proportional Spacing
Command Structure
Set to proportional spacing
Reset to fixed spacing
See above
Preceding the data to be proportional spaced
Command Function
Printer Input
To specify the printing of proportional or fixed spacing for
proportionally spaced fonts.
Printer Output
Special Notes
1. Once this command is sent in the data stream, it is in effect until
the end of the print job unless a reset command is sent.
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Clear Print Job(s) & Memory
Command Structure
Specifies the internal memory section to be cleared
To clear the custom character memory
To clear the form overlay memory
To clear all internal memory
This command should be sent to the printer as an
independent data stream.
Command Function
Input to Printer:
To clear individual memory or buffer areas of the printer.
Printer Output:
Special Note
There is no printer output as a result of this command. The current
print job in the buffer will be terminated and all other print jobs in the
buffer cleared.
1. It is not necessary to clear the printer’s memory between each
print job.
2. When the “a” parameter is used, the section of memory specified
will not be cleared until the label is printed.
3. When the “a” parameter is not included, all sections of memory will
be cleared (same as <ESC>*X).
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Continuous Forms Printing
Command Structure
The printer locates the end of an adhesive label by sensing the
backing between labels or through the use of an Eye-Mark (black
rectangle on the reverse side of the backing). It locates the end of a
tag from a notch, eye-mark, or a hole between tags. Both sensors
should be disabled when printing continuous forms by sending the
<ESC>CI0 command to disable the sensor.
If you will be using continuous labels or tags, the printer must be told
to stop feeding in another manner. The length is determined by the
position of the last printed image on the label or tag. The printer will
stop feeding when this last field is finished printing. The length may be
increased with printed spaces (20 hexadecimal) if necessary. There is
no command code to control label length.
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Copy Image Area
Command Structure
aaaa =
bbbb =
Horizontal position of the top left corner of the area to be
Vertical position of the top left corner of the area to be
cccc =
dddd =
Horizontal length of the image area to be copied
Vertical length of the image area to be copied
Anywhere within the data stream, after specifying the
location of the duplicate image.
Command Function
Input to Printer:
To copy an image from one location to another on the same label.
This may be useful for duplicating individual fields or entire sections of
the label with only one command.
Printer Output:
Special Notes
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1. Use the Print Position commands (V and H) to locate the new
area for the duplicate image.
2. Position of the new target area must not be inside the original
3. If you use the Rotate command, V, H, X and Y axis will be
4. If the reference area of the target image exceeds the print area, it
will not be printed.
5. The allowable field ranges are:
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Cutter Command
Command Structure
<ESC>~aaaa or <ESC><NUL>aaaa
aaaa =
Number of labels to print between each cut (0001 to 9999)
Fllowing the <ESC>Q Print Quantity command
Cut after each label if cutter installed
Command Function
Input to Printer
To control the cutting of labels when using a SATO cutter unit with the
printer. This command allows the cutting of multi-part tags or labels at
a specified interval within a print job.
Printer Output
Special Notes
This set of commands will print 6 labels, with 2 labels between cuts.
1. You must have the optional printer Cutter installed to use this
function. Contact your SATO representative for more information
2. To use this command, you must have the cutter enabled.
3. If the cut value is set at aaaa = 0000, the cutter is inactive.
4. When using the Cuttter command, the total number of labels
printed is the product of the cut value times the print quantity. For
example, if the cut value is 2 and the print quantity is 20, then 40
(20 sets of 2) labels will be printed.
5. Sending a Cutter command to a printer without a cutter installed
will enable the Backfeed operation.
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Fonts U, S, M, OA, OB, XU, XS & XM
Command Structure
Font XU: <ESC>XU
Font XS: <ESC>XS
Font XM: <ESC>XM
Font OA: <ESC>OA
Font U: <ESC>U
Font S: <ESC>S
Font M: <ESC>M
Font OB: <ESC>OB
See above
Preceding the data to be printed
Command Function
To print text images on a label. These are eight of the built-in fonts
available on the printer. All matrices include descenders.
Input to Printer
Printer Output
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Special Notes
1. Characters may be enlarged through the use of the Character
Expansion command.
2. Character spacing may be altered through the use of the
Character Pitch command. The default is 2 dots between
characters. It is recommended to use a spacing of 5 dots for
OCR-A and 1 dot for OCR-B.
3. You may also create custom characters or fonts. See the <ESC>T
Custom-Designed Characters command.
4. A font must be defined for each field to be printed. There is no
default font.
5. The proportionally spaced fonts XU, XS, XM, XL and XA can be
printed with fixed spacing using the <ESC>PS Proportional Space
6. The matrices for the OA and OB fonts are scaled so that they will
remain a constant size according to the OCR-A and OCR-B
specifications when printed on different resolution printers.
OA Font
OB Font
15dots W x 22 dots H
20 dots W x 24 dots H
22 dots W x 33 dots H
30 dots W x 36 dots H
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Fonts WB, WL, XB & XL
Command Structure
Font WB: <ESC>WBa
Font WL: <ESC>WLa
Font XB: <ESC>XBa
Font XL: <ESC>XLa
Provided for compatibility with CL Printers.
Can be either a 0 or a 1
Preceding the data to be printed
Command Function
To print text images on a label. These are the four auto-smoothing
fonts available on the printer.
Input to Printer:
Printer Output:
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Special Notes
1. Characters may be enlarged through the use of the <ESC>L
Character Expansion command.
2. Character spacing may be altered through the use of the <ESC>A
Character Pitch command.
3. A font must be defined for each field to be printed. There is no
default font.
4. The proportionally spaced fonts XU, XS, XM, XL and XB can be
printed with fixed spacing using the <ESC>PS Proportional Space
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Form Feed
Command Structure
See above
Separate data stream sent to printer
Command Function
Input to Printer
To feed a blank tag or label, which is the equivalent of a “form feed”
Printer Output
Blank label or tag
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Form Overlay, Recall
Command Structure
See above
Must be preceded by all other data and placed just
before the Print Quantity command (<ESC>Q)
Command Function
Input to Printer
To recall the label image from the form overlay memory for printing.
This command recalls a stored image from the overlay memory.
Additional or different data can be printed with the recalled image.
Printer Output
Special Notes
1. The overlay is stored using the <ESC>& Form Overlay Store
2. The <ESC>EX0 Expanded Print Length command cannot be
used with Forms Overlay.
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Form Overlay, Store
Command Structure
See above
Must be preceded by all other data and placed just
before the Stop command (<ESC>Z)
Command Function
Input to Printer
To store a label image in the volatile form overlay memory. Only one
label image may be stored in this memory area at a time.
Printer Output
Special Notes
There is no output from this command. It stores the label image in the
overlay buffer.
1. Remember that this storage is volatile. Therefore, if the printer
loses power, the overlay must be sent again.
2. The overlay is recalled using the <ESC>/ Form Overlay Recall
3. Form overlays do not have to be recompiled each time they are
called to be printed and therefore may result in much faster print
4. The Expanded Print Length <ESC>EX0 cannot be used with this
command. The maximum length label that can be used with
Forms Overlay is 7" for the CX208 and 6.3” for the CX212.
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Graphics, Custom
Command Structure
Specifies format of data stream to follow
Binary format
H Hexadecimal format
bbb =
ccc =
Number of horizontal 8 x 8 blocks
001 to 104
Number of vertical 8 x 8 blocks
001 to 178 (001 to 356 for Expanded Length)
Hex data to describe the graphic image
May be placed anywhere within the data stream after
necessary position commands.
Command Function
To create and print custom graphics (logos, pictures, etc.) on a label.
The graphic image may be printed along with other printed data to
enhance label appearance or eliminate the need for preprinted label
stock. Using a dot-addressable matrix, design the graphic image in 8
dot by 8 dot blocks, then send it in a binary format to the printer.
Printer Input
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Printer Output
Special Notes
1. Do not use ASCII <CR> or <LF> characters (carriage return or
line feed) as line delimiters within the graphic data or the actual
image will not be printed as specified.
2. A custom graphic cannot be enlarged by the <ESC>L Character
Expansion command.
3. A custom graphic is not affected by either of the Rotation
commands. Therefore, always design and locate your graphic
image to print in the appropriate orientation.
4. The binary format reduces the transmission time by 50%.
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Graphics, PCX
Command Structure
Number of bytes to be downloaded
<ESC>GP32000, ... data...
Anywhere within the job data stream
Command Function
Printer Input
To allow the creation and printing of graphic images using a PCX file
Printer Output
Special Notes
1. The maximum number of bytes that can be downloaded is 32K
(compressed). The number specified by this command includes
the PCX header information. The maximum size of the
uncompressed PCX file is 64K. If the uncompressed file exceeds
64K, the graphic will not print.
2. Only black and white PCX files can be downloaded.
3. The image created by this command cannot be rotated.
4. The file size specified by this command is the DOS file size in
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Journal Print
Command Structure
See above
Immediately following <ESC>A
Command Function
Input to Printer
Printer Output
To print text in a line by line format on a label. By specifying this
command, you automatically select Font S with a Character
Expansion of 2x2. You also establish a base reference point of H2,V2.
The character pitch is 2 dots and the line gap is 16 dots. Simply issue
an ASCII <CR> at the end of each text line.
Special Notes
1. Journal mode assumes a maximum label width. Otherwise, you
may print where there is no label and damage your print head.
2. It is effective only for the current print job.
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Lines and Boxes
Command Structure
Width of horizontal line in dots (01-99)
Line orientation
H Horizontal line
V Vertical Line
Length of line in dots
cccc =
Width of horizontal side in dots (01-99)
Width of vertical side in dots (01-99)
cccc = Length of vertical side in dots
dddd = Length of horizontal side in dots
Following the necessary positioning commands
Command Function
Input to Printer
To print horizontal lines, vertical lines, and boxes as images on the
Printer Output
Special Notes
1. It is recommended that all lines and boxes be specified in the
normal print direction.
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2. The field ranges are:
0001 to 0832
0001 to 4060
0001 to 1230
0001 to 3780
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Line Feed
Command Structure
aaa =
Number of dots (001-999) between the bottom of the
characters on one line to the top of the characters on
the next line
Preceding the text that will use the line feed function
Command Function
To print multiple lines of the same character size without specifying a
new print position for each line. With the Line Feed command, specify
the number of dots you want between each line. Then, send an ASCII
<CR> at the end of each line of text. The printer automatically
identifies the size of the last character, moves down the number of
dots specified, and begins printing the next line.
Input to Printer
Printer Output
Special Notes
1. It is effective only for the current data stream.
2. When printing lines or boxes in the same data stream with the
Line Feed command, the Lines and Boxes command should be
specified last, preceding <ESC>Q Quantity command.
3. This command is invalid only if the value specified is zero.
4. Following this command with a <CR> character will allow you to
print with auto line feed. Tthe print position will be determined from
the value specified and the H value set in the printer. If you specify
several H values after this command, the print position will be
determined by the H value last specified. You must redefine the
font to be used after each H command.
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Media Size
Command Structure
aaaa =
bbbb =
Vertical Media Size in dots (0 to Vmax)
Horizontal Media Size in dots (0 to Hmax)
Separate data stream to the printer.
<ESC>A108323200 for CX208
<ESC>A108324800 for CX212
Command Function
Input to Printer:
To set the size of the media.
Printer Output:
Special Notes
Ther is no printer output resulting from this command. It is used to
automatically adjust the offset values for the size of label being used.
1. The Base Reference point is always the on the right (looking at
the front of the printer) side of the print head. This command
adjusts the Base Reference Point to correspond with the right
edge of the loaded media.
2. If the label size is changed, then this command must be
respecified to center the print image on the label.
3. All eight variables (“aaaa” and “bbbb”) must be included in this
0001 to 0832
0001 to 1230
0001 to 4060
0001 to 3780
4. This command will clear and reconfigure the image buffer.
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Command Structure
See above
Anywhere in the print job between the <ESC>A and
Default: None
Command Function
Input to Printer
To specify the printer to come to an off-line state. When used within a
print job, the printer goes off-line after finishing the print job.
Printer Output
Special Notes
There is no printer output for this command. The printer is placed in
the Off-Line mode as soon as the current print job is finished.
1. You must press the READY indicator key on the front panel to
return the printer to an On-Line status .
2. Remember, when using this command, that the print job specifies
<ESC>Q10, all ten labels will print before the printer goes off-line.
3. This command will clear the print buffer.
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Command Structure
n...n =
5 digits (Postnet-32 format)
6 digits (Postnet-37 format)
9 digits (Postnet-52 format)
11 digits (Postnet-62, Delivery Point format)
Immediately preceding the data to be encoded
Command Function
Printer Input
To print Postnet bar codes
Printer Output
Special Notes
1. If the number of data digits does not match the Postnet formats
listed, the command is ignored.
2. Only numeric data will be accepted.
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Print Darkness
Command Structure
Print darkness value
a = 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
Placement: Must be placed immediately after <ESC>A and
immediately before <ESC>Z in its own separate data stream
Command Function
Input to Printer
To specify a new print darkness setting. This command allows
software control of the darkness setting for unique media and ribbon
Printer Output
Special Notes
There is no printer output for this command.
1. This becomes the new setting in the printer configuration for all
subsequent print jobs, unless changed. The setting is stored in
non-volatile memory and is not affected by cycling power.
2. The lighest setting is the smallest value and the darkest setting is
the largest value.
3. This command adjusts the print darkness in discrete steps. The
range of this command is set using the <ESC>CD Print Darkness
Fine Adjustment command. Changing the Print Darkness Fine
Adjustment setting will affect this command.
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Print Length, Expanded
Command Structure
<ESC>EX0 Sets the print length to max
<ESC>AR Resets the maximum print length to 7" (178 mm)
See above
Must follow the Start Code command
and be in it’s own separate data stream.
Command Function
Input to Printer:
To increase the maximum print length (in feed direction) for a label.
Printer Output:
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Special Notes
1. EX0 is effective until AR is sent to reset the printer to its standard
print length, or until the printer is repowered.
2. It may be included in an independent data stream to specify the
size of the maximum print area:
3. This command cannot be used with the <ESC>& Store Form
Overlay command.
4. The maximum print lengths with this command are
Maximum Print
4060 dots
20 in.
508 mm
3780 dots
12.6 in.
320 mm
5. These commands only affect the print length. They do not change
the label width set by the <ESC>A1 Media Size command.
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Print Position
Command Structure
Horizontal Position:
Vertical Position:
aaaa =
bbbb =
Number of dots horizontally from the base reference point
See note 6 for allowable range
Number of dots vertically from the base reference point
See note 6 for allowable range.
Example: <ESC>H0020<ESC>V0150
Preceding any printed field description of lines/boxes,
fonts, bar codes or graphics.
Default: <ESC>H0001
Command Function
The Horizontal and Vertical commands specify the top left corner of a
field or label, using the current base reference point as an origin. They
also establish a reference point for subsequent fields until the next
horizontal and/or vertical print position command is issued.
Input to Printer
Printer Output
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Special Notes
1. The print position of a field is affected by both the Rotate
(<ESC>R and <ESC>A3) commands.
2. If any part of an image is placed past the maximum number of
dots for standard length.
3. If any part of an image is placed past maximum allowable dots
across the label, that part of the image will be lost.
4. If you attempt to print where there is no paper, you may damage
the print head.
5. For these commands, the leading zeroes do not have to be
entered. The command V1 is equivalent to V0001.
6. The allowable field ranges are:
Maximum Print
832 dots
4.1 in.
104 mm
1230 dots
4.1 in.
104 mm
Maximum Print
4060 dots
20 in.
508 mm
3780 dots
12.6 in.
320 mm
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Print Quantity
Command Structure
aaaaaa Total number of labels to print (1 to 65535)
Just preceding <ESC>Z, unless <ESC>~ Cutter
command exists, then preceding that. This command
must be present in every print job.
Command Function
Input to Printer
To specify the total number of labels to print for a given print job.
Printer Output
Special Notes
Three labels containing the data “SATO” wll be printed.
1. To cancel a print job, you must turn off the printer.
3. When used with the <ESC>F Sequential Numbering command
the Print Quantity value should be equal to the total number of
labels to be printed.
4. If you do not specify a Print Quantity, the printer will not print a
5. For this command, leading zeroes do not have to be entered. The
command Q1 is equivalent to Q000001.
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Print Speed
Command Structure
Designates the speed selection
2 ips (50 mm/s)
3 ips (75 mm/s)
Must be placed immediately after <ESC>A and
immediately before <ESC>Z in its own separate data
As previously set in the printer configuration
Command Function
To specify a unique print speed through software for a particular label.
This allows flexibility in finding the best performance and quality for
the particular label format, media, and ribbon. All subsequent labels
will print at this speed unless the speed is changed with this
Input to Printer
Printer Output
Special Notes
There is no printer output for this command. It sets the print speed of
the printer to 3 inches per second.
1. This becomes the new setting in the printer configuration for all
subsequent print jobs, unless changed. The setting is stored in
non-volatile memory and is not affected by cycling the power.
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Repeat Label
Command Structure
See above
Must be placed immediately after <ESC>A and
immediately before <ESC>Z in its own separate data
Command Function
Input to Printer
To print duplicate of the last label printed
Printer Output
Special Notes
A duplicate of the previous label will be printed.
1. This command will have no effect if the power to the printer was
cycled off and back on since printing the previous label.
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Replace Data (Partial Edit)
Command Structure
<ESC>0 (<ESC>zero)
See above
Must follow <ESC>A and precede all other print data
Command Function
Input to Printer
To replace a specified area of the previous label with new data. This
command will cause the previous label to print along with any
changes specified within the current data stream.
Printer Output
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Special Notes
1. Specify the exact same parameters for the image to be replaced
as were specified in the original data stream, including rotation,
expansion, pitch, etc. This will ensure that the new data will
exactly replace the old image. If the replacement data contains
fewer characters than the old data, then the characters not
replaced will still be printed.
2. This command will not function if the power has been cycled off
and back on since the last label was printed.
3. Proportional Pitch text cannot be used with this command.
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Reverse Image
Command Structure
Horizontal length in dots of reverse image area
See note 6 for allowable range.
Vertical height in dots of reverse image area.
See note 6 for allowable range.
This command must be preceded by all other data and
placed just before <ESC>Q
Command Function
Input to Printer
To reverse an image area from black to white and vice versa. Use the
Print Position commands (<ESC>H and <ESC>V) to locate the top left
corner of the reverse image area.
Printer Output
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Special Notes
1. A reverse image area is affected by the rotate commands.
Therefore, always assume the printer is in the normal print
orientation when designing and sending the Reverse Image
2. If using reverse images with the form overlay, place this command
before the Form Overlay command in the data stream.
3. If the Rotate commands are used with this command, the V and
H parameters are reversed.
4. If the height and width to be reversed contain other than
alphanumeric data, the area is not printed.
5. If the values specified exceed the maximum ranges, the reverse
image is not created.
6. The allowable field ranges are:
0001 to 0832
0001 to 1230
0001 to 4060
0001 to 3780
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Rotate, Fixed Base Reference Point
Command Structure
Sets print to normal direction
Sets print to 90°CCW
Sets print to 180° rotated (upside down)
Sets print to 270° CCW
Preceding any printed data to be rotated
Command Function
Input to Printer
Printer Output
To rotate the print direction in 90° increments without changing the
location of the base reference point. The diagram below illustrates the
use of the <ESC>% Rotate command. Note that the entire print area
is shown, but your label will probably not be as large as the entire
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Special Notes
1. Do not combine this command and the <ESC>R Rotate command
in the same data stream.
2. The specified values are valid until another Rotate (<ESC>%)
command is received.
3. Receipt of a Stop Print (<ESC>Z) command will reset the setting
to the default value.
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Rotate, Moving Base Reference Point
Command Structure
Normal Direction: <ESC>N
Rotated Direction: <ESC>R
See above
Preceding any printed data to be rotated
Command Function
The <ESC>R command rotates the printing of all subsequent images
in a print job by 90° counterclockwise each time it is used. It also
moves the base reference point to a different corner of the print area.
The <ESC>N command returns to the original base reference point
and returns printing to the normal orientation.
Input to Printer
Printer Output
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Special Notes
1. This command is provided for compatibility with other SATO
printers. It is not recommended for new label designs and the
<ESC>% rotate command should be used.
2. Do not combine this command and the <ESC>% rotate command
in the same data stream.
3. A custom graphic is not affected by this command. Therefore,
always design and locate your graphic image to print in the
appropriate orientation.
4. See Rotated Fields, for more information.
5. The specified values are valid until another Rotate (<ESC>R)
command is received.
6. Receipt of a Stop Print (<ESC>Z) command will reset the setting
to the default value.
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Sequential Numbering
Command Structure
aaaa = Number of times to repeat the same data (0001-9999)
Plus or minus symbol (+ for increments; - for decrements)
Value of step for sequence (0001-9999)
cccc =
Number of digits for sequential numbering (01-99). The
first incrementing character position starts after the
positions exempted from sequential numbering as
specified in ee. If these digits are left out, the default is 8.
Number of digits free from sequential numbering (00-99)
starting with the right most position. If these digits are left
out, the default is 0.
Free from Decrementing
In this example, the right most (least significant) three
digits would not decrement and the next four would
Preceding the starting value to be incremented or
Command Function
Input to Printer
To allow the ability to print sequential fields (text, bar codes) where all
incrementing is done within the printer. Up to eight different sequential
fields can be specified per label. Sequencing is effective for up to
99-digit numeric data within each field.
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Printer Output
Special Notes
1. The value specified for Print Quantity should be equal to the
number of different sequential values desired multiplied by the
number of repeats specified.
To print 2 sets each of the numbers 1001-1025 on separate
labels, we need 50 total labels. The commands would be as
2. It is necessary to specify the print position for each sequential field
on a label.
3. Up to eight different sequential fields can be specified per label.
4. This command ignores alpha characters in the sequential number
5. This command can not be used with the following commands:
Copy Image
Reverse Image
Line Feed
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Start/Stop Label
Command Structure
Start Command: <ESC>A
Stop Command: <ESC>Z
See above
<ESC>A must precede data
<ESC>Z must follow data
Command Function
Input to Printer
For all print jobs, the Start command must precede the data, and the
Stop command must follow. The print job will not run properly if these
are not in place.
Printer Output
There is not output for these commands they are not accompanied by
other label printing commands. However, these commands must
precede and follow each print job sent to the printer.
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
Expanded Memory Option Commands
These commands require the Expanded Memory Option.
The first 2MB of Expanded Memory installed is designated as memory area CC1.
If 4MB of Expanded Memory is installed, second 2MB (i.e. the area above the first 2
MB) is designated as memory area CC2.
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Expanded Memory Function
Clear Expanded Memory
Command Structure
Memory section to be cleared
G To clear SATO graphic files from expanded memory
To clear PCX graphic files from expanded memory
To clear formats from expanded memory
O To clear TrueType fonts from expanded memory
Expanded Memory section to be cleared (00 to 99).
Immediately following the <ESC>CC Memory Area
Select Command.
Command Function
Printer Input
To clear individual areas of the Expanded Memory.
Printer Output
Special Notes
There is no printer output as a result of this command.
1. This command requires the Expanded Memory option. See your
SATO representative for more information.
2. This command is ignored if the Expanded Memory option is not
installed in the printer or if there is no stored data in the area
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Expanded Memory Function
Fonts, TrueType Recall
Command Structure
Font ID (00 thru 99)
Horizontal Expansion (01 thru 12)
Vertical Expansion (01 thru 12)
Character Pitch (01 thru 99)
Reserved (always 00)
Number of characters to be printed using the font
Data to be printed
Immediately following the <ESC>CC Memory Area
Select command.
Command Function
Printer Input
This command recalls previously stored TrueType fonts from
Expanded Memory.
Printer Output
Special Notes
1. This command requires the Expanded Memory option. See your
SATO representative for details.
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Expanded Memory Function
Fonts, TrueType Store
The conversion from a TrueType font to a format that can be downloaded to the
printer is very complex and requires the use of a TrueType Download utility
program. This process requires the Expanded Memory option and a copy of the
TrueType Download utility is provided with the Expanded Memory Option.
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Expanded Memory Function
Graphics, Custom Recall
Command Structure
aaa =
Graphics storage number (001-999)
The Recall command is sent in a secondary data
stream to print the graphic, and follows any necessary
position or size commands.
Command Function
Printer Input
Use the Recall command any time you want to print a graphic image
on a label along with other printed data.
Printer Output
Special Notes
1. The graphic image to be stored cannot be rotated before it is
stored. It can be rotated when it is recalled.
2. Graphic images cannot be stored as part of a label format.
3. See the <ESC>GI Custom Graphic Store command.
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Expanded Memory Function
Graphics, Custom Store
Command Structure
Specifies character format of the data
Hex data
Binary data
bbb =
ccc =
Number of horizontal 8 x 8 blocks (001 to104)
Number of vertical 8 x 8 blocks (001 to178)
Graphics storage number (001 to 099)
Hex or binary data to describe the graphic image
See below.
Immediately following the <ESC>CC Memory Area
Select command.
Command Function
To provide similar functionality to the <ESC>G Custom Graphic
command, but allows for the graphic image to be stored in a
Expanded Memory. Use the Store command to send the graphic data
to the printer, which is held in the optional Expanded Memory, even if
printer power is lost.
Printer Input
Printer Output
Special Notes
There is no printer output as a result of this command. See <ESC>GR
Recall Custom Graphics command.
1. You must have the optional Expanded Memory to use this
command. Call your SATO representative for details.
2. The maximum storage capacity is 999 graphics, up to the capacity
of the memory expansion.
3. Each graphic to be stored must be sent in its own data stream.
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Example of correct data stream:
Example of incorrect data stream:
5. Do not use ASCII <CR> or <LF> characters (carriage return or
line feed) as line delimiters within the graphic data or the actual
image will not be printed as specified.
6. The graphics storage number (ddd) must be specified with this
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Expanded Memory Function
Graphics, PCX Recall
Command Structure
Storage area number (001 thru 099)
This command must be placed within its own data
stream specifying the placement of the graphic.
Command Function
Printer Input
To recall for printing a graphic file previously stored in a PCX format in
the Memory Card.
Printer Output
Special Notes:
1. This command requires Expanded Memory option. See your
SATO representative for details.
2. See the <ESC>PI Store PCX Graphics command.
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
Expanded Memory Function
Graphics, PCX Store
Command Structure
Storage area number (001 thru 999)
Size of PCX file in bytes
This command must be placed within its own data
Command Function
Printer Input
To store for later printing a PCX graphic file in Expanded Memory.
BASIC Program to Download a PCX file to Expanded Memory Section
#1 (first 2MB installed).
Printer Output
Special Notes:
There is no printer output as a result of this command. See <ESC>PY
PCX Graphics Recall command.
1. This command requires Expanded Memory option. See your
SATO representative for details.
2. Graphics cannot be stored as part of a format.
3. Only black and white PCX files can be stored.
4. The file size specified by this command is the DOS file size in
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Expanded Memory Function
Command Structure
Eight character alphanumeric user ID
Immediately following the <ESC>CC Memory Area
Select command.
Command Function
Input to Printer
This clears all of the data from the specified Memory Area and
prepares the area to accept data.
Printer Output
Special Notes
There is no printer output as a result of this command.
1. You must have the optional Expanded Memory to use this
command. Call your local SATO representative for information.
2. All Expanded Memory must be initialized before they can be used
for the first time.
3. Care should be exercised when using this command as it destroys
any data previously written the specified section of memory. It will
clear all data from the Expanded Memory and assign the new ID
(“sato” in the above example).
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Expanded Memory Function
Area Select
Command Structure
Section Select
Section1, first 2MB of Expanded Memory
Section 2, second 2MB of Expanded Memory
Immediately following the <ESC>A Start Code.
Last selected Memory Area.
Command Function
Printer Input
Selects the section of Expanded Memory to be used for following
Printer Output
Special Notes
There is no printer output as a result of this command.
1. This command requires the Expanded Memory option. See your
SATO representative for more information.
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Expanded Memory Function
Command Structure
After the <ESC>CC Memory AreaSelect command.
Command Function
Printer Input
Casues the printer to print the card status.
Printer Output
Special Notes
1. This command requires the Expanded Memory option. See your
SATO representative for more information
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
Two-Dimensional Symbols
The following commands are used to create the two-dimensional symbologies
supported by the printers.
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Two-Dimensional Bar Codes
Command Structure
Position of Maxicode symbol within the set, when used
in a structured append format 1~8.
Total number of Maxicode symbols in the set, when used
in a structured format 1~8.
For Mode 2 Structured Carrier Message
for Domestic U.S. UPS shipments
For Mode 3 Structured Carrier Message
for International UPS shipments
Standard symbol
Not currently supported
Reader programming
ddd..ddd 9 digit numeric Postal Code
eee =
gg..g =
3 digit numeric Country Code
3 digit numeric Service Class
Data, terminated by <ESC>
Immediately preceding data to be encoded
Command Function
Command Function
Input to Printer
To print a Maxicode two-dimensional bar code image on a label.
To print a UPS Maxicode symbol.
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Printer Output
Special Notes
1. Please refer to UPS Publication “Guide to Bar Coding with UPS
Online - Version 5” for the UPS secondary message data format
requirements and the latest format requirements.
2. This command implements Maxicode AIM I.S.S. (UPS Version
3.1) symbol.
3. <RS> represents Hex 1E, <GS> represents Hex 1D, <EOT>
represents Hex 04, <ESC> represents Hex 1B and <SP>
represents Hex 20.
4. The following modes are supported:
9 digits max
numeric only
3 digits max
numeric only
3 digits max
numeric only
84 characters
6 digits fixed
3 digits max
numeric only
3 digits max
numeric only
84 characters
fixed data
fixed data
fixed data
91 characters
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Two-Dimensional Bar Codes
Command Structure
Minimum module dimension (03-09 dots). Will not print
if values of 01, 02 or greater than 10 are specified.
Minimum module pitch dimension (04-24 dots). Will not
print if values of 01, 02, 03 or greater than 25 are
Security (error detection) Level (1-8).
Code words per line (01-30). If 00 is specified for both
dd and ee, the printer automatically optimizes the number
of rows per symbol.
Rows per symbol (00 or 03-40). If 00 is specified for both
dd and ee, the printer automatically optimizes the number
of rows per symbol.
Number of characters to be encoded (0001-2700).
Data to be printed.
nn...n =
Immediately preceding data to be encoded
Command Function
Printer Input
To print a PDF417 two-dimensional bar code image on a label.
Printer Output
Special Notes
1. When the code words per line and the number of rows per symbol
(“dd” and“ee”) are set to all zeroes, the printer will calculate the
optimum configuration.
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2. If the product of the values entered for “dd” and “ee” are not equal
to or less than the value of “fff” (i.e.,“ffff” is greater that “dd” x “ee”),
an error will occur and the symbol will not be printed. It is
recommended that these values each be set to “000” and the
printer be allowed to automatically calculate the optimum values.
3. The values for “dd” and “ee” need to be made larger if the security
level is increased.
4. The maximum data length is 2700 characters, but may be less
depending upon:
- the minimum module dimension (“aa”)
- the security level specified by “c”.
- the number of data characters
5. The Reference Point of the PDF417 symbol is the upper-left
6. The <ESC>F Sequential Numbering command cannot be used
with this command.
7. The <ESC>E Line Feed command cannot be used with this
8. The Macro and Truncated PDF417 symbols are not supported.
9. The values 00 thru 1F can be specified as print data.
10. This command can be stored in a format.
11. The <ESC>R Rotate command can be used.
12. The print height of the symbol will vary depending upon the data
specified; numeric only, alpha only or alphanumeric.
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The following commands are used to set the operating parameters of the CX208/212
printers. The settings currently active in the printer can be determined by printing a
Test Label, either by using the <ESC>CT Print Test Label command or by pressing
the READY Indicator and FEED buttons on the front panel (see Page 9 of the
CX208/212 User’s Guide).
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Command Structure
Disable Auto-Calibrate
Enable Auto-Calibrate
This command should be sent in a separate data
Command Function
Input to Printer
To enable/disable the Auto-Calibrate function.
Printer Output
Special Notes
Theres is no printer output as a result of this command.
1. When Auto-Calibrate is enabled, the printer will automatically
attempt to calibrate when it detects an out-of-paper condition (10"
of platen feed after a label is printed without detecting a label edge
or sense mark). If the calibration is successful, the printer shall
move paper to the next index mark and resume normal
operations. If the calibration is not successful, the printer shall
indicate an out-of-paper condition by a red READY LED. The
printer shall restore the original index circuit settings.
2. See “Label Sensing” on page 8 for more information on
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Backfeed Enable
Command Structure
Disable Backfeed
Enable Backfeed
This command should be sent in a separate data
Last setting
Command Function
Input to Printer
To select the top-of-label sensing method.
Printer Output
Special Notes
Theres is no printer output as a result of this command.
1. When Backfeed is enabled, the printer will feed the last label of a
print job forward to the dispense/cut position. Upon the receipt of
the next print job, it will retract the label to the first print line
position before printing.
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
Calibrate Sensor
Command Structure
This command should be sent after the sensor type
has been selected with the <ESC>CI command. It
not be included with print job commands.
There is no default for this command.
Command Function
Input to Printer
To adjust the label sensor for unique media and ribbon combinations.
Printer Output
Special Notes
There is no printer output for this command. It will cause the printer to
feed a label while the characteristics of the label backing or eye-mark
are measured.
1. The sensor is calibrated for the currently selected sensor type
(Eye-Mark or Transmissive).
2. If the Sensor is disabled with a <ESC>CI0 command, no
calibration is performed.
3. The sensor must be recalibrated whenever the sensor type is
4. When calibrating the sensor for the CX200/212TT Thermal
Transfer unit operating in the thermal transfer mode, the ribbon
must be installed in the printer.
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
Custom Protocol Command Codes
Command Structure
Replacement character for STX in ASCII or hex format
Replacement character for ETX in ASCII or hex format
Replacement character for ESC in ASCII or hex format
Replacement character for ENQ in ASCII or hex format
Replacement character for CAN in ASCII or hex format
Replacement character for NULL or ~ in ASCII or hex
Replacement character for OFFLINE in ASCII or hex
Immediately following the <ESC>A Start command and
an independent data stream.
Standard Protocol command Codes
Command Function
Printer Input
Allows the user to defines custom Protocol Command codes.
Printer Output
A Protocol Command code status label will be printed as a result of
the a successful download of a custom set of Protocol Command
Special Notes
1. Commas must be used to separate the parameters. If a parameter
is omitted between two commas, the default Non-Standard
Protocol Command codes for that parameter will be used.
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2. This command must be sent as an independent data stream
immediately following the <ESC>A Start code and immediately
preceding the <ESC>Z Stop code. No other commands can be
included in the data stream.
3. If more or less than nine commas are included in the command,
the entire command sequence will be ignored. The command
must contain exactly nine commas.
4. If two characters are specified for a parameter, it will be
interpreted as a hex value. For example:
Command Parameter
Resulting Command Code
If a combination of characters are outside the hexadecimal range,
the entire command sequence will be ignored.
5. The current protocol command codes may be verified by printing a
self test label (<ESC>CT).
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Label Tear-Off
Command Structure
+ to move the print line down from the top edge of the label
- to move the print line toward thetop of the label
Distance moved in millimeters (00 to 98)
This command should be sent in a separate data
Last valid setting.
Command Function
Input to Printer
To adjust the location of the first print line on the label.
Printer Output
Special Notes
There is no printer output for this command. The first print line on the
next printed label will be adjusted after the receipt of this command.
1. The effect of this command is absolute, i.e. if an <ESC>CB+06
command is followed by an <ESC>CB+02, the resulting setting is
2 mm.
2. The maximum range for the value stored in the printer is 98mm.
Any commands received that cause the value to exceed 00 or 98
will result in a setting of 00 or 98 respectively.
3. The value is stored in flash memory and will remain until it is
modified by another valid <ESC>CBabb command, even if power
is removed from the printer.
4. The current setting is printed out on the “Pitch Offset” line on the
test label. This setting is referenced to the sensor position which is
located 0.75" (19mm) from the first print line (V=000)
5. Separate offset settings are stored for gap and eye-mark sensing.
6. To correctly position the label after receipt of this command, the
FEED key should be pressed. If not, the first printed label will not
positioned correctly.
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
Print Darkness Range Adjustment
Command Structure
aaa =
Print Darkness Adjust (0 to 400)
This command should be sent in a separate data
Prink Darkness = 200
Command Function
Input to Printer
To make fine adjustments for best print quality for unique media and
ribbon combinations.
Printer Output
Special Notes
There is no printer output as a result of this command
1. This command covers the complete range of heat settings. After
the printer has been adjusted using the Print Darkness Adjust
setting, the <ESC>#E Print Darkness Command can be used to
adjust the heat setting in discrete steps referenced to the Adjust
2. The factory setting for this adjustment is set to provide the
optimum results when using the SATO supplied media with the
printer. It is recommended that any changes be made judiciously
as they can have a significant impact on print quality and bar code
3. It is recommended that a bar code verifier be used when making
adjustments with this command.
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Print Test Label
Command Structure
This command should be sent in a separate data
There is no default for this command.
Command Function
Input to Printer
To print a test label
Printer Output
Special Notes
1. The Test Label can also be printed manually by simultaneously
pressing the FEED and READY INDICATOR buttons. When the
Test Label is manually initiated, the printer will be in the
hexadecimal print mode after it finishes printing. This mode is
used for diagnostic troubleshooting and lists the current status of
the printer configuration. (see Page 9 of the User’s Guide).
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Set Print Mode
Command Structure
0 for Direct Thermal Printing (without ribbon)
1 for Thermal Transfer Printing (with ribbon)
Must precede all other commands in the data stream.
0 for DT Models
1 for TT Models
Command Function
Input to Printer
To optimize the print head heat management algorithms.
Printer Output
Special Notes
There is no printer output as a result of this command.
1. The print mode setting is stored in nonvolatile memory and will not
change until a new Set Print Mode command is received. The
current print mode can be verified by printing a test label.
2. This command is ignored for direct thermal (DT) models. These
units are automatically set in the DT mode.
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
Set RS232 Parameters
Command Structure
aaaaa = Baud Rate (2400, 4800, 9600,19200 or 38400)
Parity (N for None, O for Odd, E for Even)
Number of data bits (7 or 8)
Number of stop bits (1 or 2)
Must be sent in a separate data stream.
Command Function
Input to Printer
To select the desired RS232 communications settings
Printer Output
Special Notes
There is no printer output as a result of this command.
1. Any commands sent to the printer over the RS232 port within two
seconds of receiving this command may be lost.
2. The RS232 settings must match those of the host system. If the
RS232 settings are unknown, printing a Self Test label will list the
current printer settings.
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CX208/212 Programming Guide
Set Sensor Type
Command Structure
Disable Sensor
Reflective (Eye-Mark ) Sensing
Transmissive (Label Gap or Notch) Sensing
This command should be sendt in a separate data
<ESC>CI2 (Transmissive Sensing)
Command Function
Input to Printer
To select the top-of-label sensing method.
Printer Output
Special Notes
Theres is no printer output as a result of this command.
1. The reflective Eye-Mark must be a minimum of .125" wide and at
least 1.0" long. It should be parallel to the platen and centered on
the underneath side of the label
2. The transmissive gap must be a minimum of 0.125" wide.
3. See “Sensing” on page 8 for more information on label indexing.
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PN 9001092 Rev. A
SATO CX208/212 Printers
CX208/212 Programming Guide
Enable Options
Command Structure
Disable Dispenser Option
Enable Dispenser option
Disable Cutter Option
Enable cutter option
This command should be sendt in a separate data
<ESC>CL0 (Dispenser Disabled)
<ESC>CK0 (Cutter Disabled)
Command Function
Input to Printer
To select the top-of-label sensing method.
Printer Output
Special Notes
Theres is no printer output as a result of this command.
1. The appropriate option must be installed before these commands
are effective.
2. Operation of the Dispenser and Cutter are dependent upon both
the <ESC>Q Quantity, the <ESC>CB Backfeed and the
<ESC>NULL (or <ESC>~) Cut commands.
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PN 9001092 Rev. A
SATO CX208/212 Printers
CX208/212 Programming Guide
MODE Dispenser
Backfeed Quantity
Prints 6 labels, forward feed
for tear, backfeed before
next job.
Batch mode, prints 6 labels,
no forward/backfeed
Prints 3 labels, forward feeds
for tear, backfeed before
next job.
Prints 1 label, forward feeds,
wait for label taken sensor,
backfeed, repeat cycle 2
more times.
Batch mode, prints 6 labels,
no forward/backfeed.
Prints 1 label, forward feeds,
wait for label taken sensor,
backfeed, repeat cycle 2
more times.
Prints 3 labels, no
forward/backfeed or cut.
Prints 1 label, forward feed,
cut, backfeed, repeat cycle 2
more times
Prints 1 label, forward feed,
cut, backfeed, repeat cycle 2
more times
Prints 2 labels, forward feed,
cut, backfeed, repeat cycle 2
more times (3 sets with 2
Prints 3 labels, forward feed,
cut, backfeed before next
Batch mode, prints 6 labels,
nor forward/backfeed or cut
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PN 9001092 Rev. A
SATO CX208/212 Printers
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